The second seminar series of the Sloane Lab symposiums, which began on April 16, 2024, with the collaboration of TU Darmstadt Humanities Data Science & Methodology (HDSM), UCL Centre for Digital Humanities (UCLDH) and UCL Institute for Advanced Studies (UCL IAS), focuses on topics such as digital heritage, archival studies, and collections, while also emphasizing a critical approach to data.
This seminar series addresses topics such as the creative interpretation of historical data through digital tools, the importance of developing technologies like OCR, the future significance of the digital world, and the potential opportunities of digitalizing various collections by playing an undeniable role in satisfying the curiosity of those interested in exploring digital possibilities, tendencies, perspectives, and methods in the social sciences.
This series of events, attended by participants from many countries around the world, is free and online; It takes place every Tuesday from 16 April to 16 July at 15.30 BST/16.30 CET/17.30 GMT+3.
You can register for the event and view the schedule here: